Hi there! I wanted to thank Jennifer from "For the Love of a Teddy Bear" for giving me this award. Jennifer is such a sweetie...Thanks Jen!
Rules for the award:
1)The winner may put the logo on their blog (just right click on the image and copy, then paste to your blog post)
2)Put a link to the person who sent you the award
3)Nominate 10 blogs
4)put a link to their blogs
5)leave a message for your nominees
So my task is to pass this awesome award on to 10 of my favorite blogs that have made me smile. This is so hard to narrow it down to just 10, but here goes....
1. Shelli of "PotBelly Arts"
2. Deb of "Land of Nod"
3. Cassandra of "My Artful Adventures"
4. Rhonda of "Rhondamum Studios"
5. Tristan of "Enchanted Revelry"
6. Vintage Bunty
7. Bobbi of Creative Life Diary
8. Amada of "Over the Top Studios"
9. Ginny of "Twinkle Pink"
10. Cassandra of "Blogs n Such"