I just love Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, for hosting these Pink Saturdays....I get to visit the most wonderful blogs and each week she introduces us to a few more pink lovin' pals! One of Beverly's challenges is to pick one of the blogs we have visited and show case them the following week. I chose to show off Sissie's Shabby Cottage this week. Her blog is the epitomy of Pinkness! It is beautiful! I could go on and an ...but go check it out, then you can come back and share with me what you liked the best!!!
My pink offering today are these two Mercury glass (probably not authentic mercury glass) candle sticks I just found at Home Goods, one of my favorite places to go lately! They are so cool. I just took them out of the bag and have not displayed them yet, but I did want to show them off. They were only $6 and $7. dollars!!!! The picture does not do them justice...
I hope you all have a wonderful day. Next Saturday I will begin my 100th post celebration and giveaway, so be sure to stop by and check it out....God Bless you all and Happy Pink Saturday! Becs
Front Yard Renovation with Belgard Outdoor Living
2 months ago