Thinking Pink! It seems like everything that catches my eye lately is in some way shape or form PINK! I love the big plump pink roses on all the bushes in the yard. I love the pink peonies that are blooming. I love the pink, green and white Hydrangeas that are just everywhere! I love all the pink fabrics, papers, laces, and ribbons that I am seeing on everyone's blog...

Spring always reminds me of my dad and his rose garden. He loved roses, in fact we have about 10 bushes and/or trees in the front yard that he planted years ago. His favorite thing was to go out and prune them all after picking several stems for my mom to put in the house in a vase. My sister has carried on that tradition. I find myself cutting roses and putting them in vases, but I am not too good with the

I have been drooling over all the millinery that everyone has listed in their shoppes. My brain is on overload! I want it all! I need it all! I have to have it all!!! Do you get that way sometimes when every store you look in has ten things you absolutely cannot live without? Or is it just me? LOL Spring time always has a ton of cute floral blouses and capri pants that always look good on someone else...I have no tan...I mean I am totally white! And I just burn, turn red, then peel and turn white again...So, unless they are crops or long pants, I do not wear them.... And those cute sun dresses...Oh my, I love them all (for my neice!) She has that tall thin body that looks good in anything!...

If you are in need of some fabulous Spring Pink Eye Candy, check out some of these blogs....they all inspire me!
Land of Nod Studois
My Artful Adventures
Rhonda Mum
Enchanted Revelry
Vintage Bunty
Creative Life Diary
Shabby Lane Shops
Chelsea Ann
The Polka Dot Barn
Whim and Fancy Designs
Twinkle Pink
Etsy Cottage Style
Sweet Eye Candy Creations