I am joining with
Cassandra and other Marie Antoinette artists to celebrate the release of the Special Publication of "Marie" by Stampington & Co.'s The issue is jam packed with Marie Antoinette Art.
Many of the members over at
Marie Antoinette Mail Art Group (an awesome group BTW)are published in this very beautiful Magazine. So CONGRATULATIONS to all the very talented artists that had the opportunity to be in this special issue!
I also want to announce that this week marks the birthdays of two very special people! (One being me of course...lol) And the other is none other than Marie Antoinette Mail Art creator and leader, Cassandra! Happy Birthday Cassie! MAMA's Queen Marie!
In celebration of our birthdays, I am having a giveaway. I will be drawing a name on Monday April 6th, from all the people who post a comment on my blog between now and then. Just let us know what you are celebrating this month. The winner will receive this Marie Inspired Charm Bracelet (pictured below.)
There will be some other giveaways between now and the 8th when the celebration ends. You can post as many times as you would like and you be entered each time for the giveaways. The other gifts are a surprise! Who doesn't like a birthday surprise?
AND....if anyone else is having a birthday this month, please let me know!
I would also like to add that this is a very special time to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ. What an awesome time for celebrations! IF you would like to share with me in celebrating our Lord during this passover week and into Easter, I will be doing another giveaway on Easter. Just leave a comment on my blog telling me how you plan to celebrate our Lord.