Beverly at How Sweet the Sound has asked us to share a favorite childhood Christmas memory. When I began thinking about this the other day, this story came to my mind immediately.
I am the youngest of four girls (no boys) and to make it even more interesting, I am 10 years younger than the next sister, 12 years younger than the one before that and my eldest sister was 16 when I was born. Needless to say, I was a bit spolied at Christmas! (I know, hard to believe, but true)
At Christmas-time I loved getting our tree and decorating it. I was never allowed to put on the tinsel (the sinlge strands that came in a flat box) My oldest sister Barbara, was quite the perfectionist! She put the tinsel on, one strand at a time! Oh my gosh, that did not work for me...We always had to wait until dad got home from work to decorate the tree because he ALWAYS put the lights on it. They were those colored bulbs that were about an inch wide and an inch and a half blinking either. And the paint would chip off and eventually we had a lot more clear ones than colored...LOL
Anyway, I decided that I would surprise everyone and have the tinsel already on the tree when they all got home. I diligently started placing the strands on one string at a time. And it seemed like hours had gone by and I still had almost all of the box of tinsel still left, so I decided to just a few at a time. Surely, they would not be able to tell....Well, after I emptied all four boxes of tinsel in clumps all around the bottom two feet of the tree (that was as high as I could reach) I stepped back to admire my work! I was so proud of myself....until everyone came in and said..."BECKY! What have you done?" My sisters were so disgusted because I had ruined the tree and I was about to cry when my dad said it was the most beautiful tree we had decorated in a long time...Then he winked at my sisters to keep them from pointing out exactly how bad the tree actually looked.
I miss my dad most at Christmas! It was his favorite holiday and he delighted in torturing us while he SLOWLY ate his dinner before we could open our presents on Christmas Eve...LOL He always had to have that one last cup of ever so large a coffee...
I really miss that silver tinsel, do they even still make it? Hmmmm, I will have to see if I can find it...
Anyway, thanks for visiting me on Pink Saturday. And don't forget to check out all the other Pink Saturday blogs by clicking here. God Bless you all ~ Becs