Ok, let's get on the the good stuff! As you all know by now, I belong to some awesome online mail art and Ning groups. Well, my friend Rebecca Allinson belongs to two that I am in, Marie Antoinette and Mad Tea Party (for us Alice in Wonderland lovers) Well, the other day I recieved this HUMUNGOUS package from Rebecca. I am wondering, "Did I forget about something?" "I am not expecting anything from Rebecca" "At least not THIS BIG!" Well, I opened it up and found the most amazingly beautiful gift inside! She ssent me a Marie Inspired Christmas goodie box!
The box was in antiqued gold tones, with deep greens and cranberry reds (which happen to be my favorite colors along with pink!) Here are several pictures. Each little package was in clear plastic with pretty paper closures...I received ribbons, papers, vintage fabrics, beads, trims, handmade flowers, birds, a marie ornament,...well, just look at all the goodies....
In these pictures there are ribbon roses and flowers that Rebecca made herself, feathers and roses, velvet trims and handmade Christmas tags...
Here are beads and trims and jewelry bits and vintage crepe paper with a pretty trimmed edge...and my beautiful Marie ornament!
More trim, ribbon, buttons, paper, vintage fabrics...
And you can see the cover of the box she made with the glittery bird and beautiful cranberry red bow....
Thank you so much Rebecca! I love everything and it made my day! I was in tears when I opened the box....
This beautiful piece of artwork is my Mini Marie Theatre made by Robin Sweet (Gilded Cage Designs) from my Marie group. It is just decadent!
Here are some close-ups. The flowers are all handmade by her...The detail is amazing!
Can you see the gilded harp peeking from behind the curtain?
And the back is just as beautiful!
Thanks Robin! I adore it! You can find many exquisite items on Robin's website too! Just click on the link: Robin Sweet's Gilded Cage Designs.
Now this week, one of my friends and amazing artists on the Marie group, Terri Gordon, is one of THE nicest people I would love to actually meet! She knew I had been having a hard time and she sent me one of her amazing wall hangings...I have been coveting them for awhile now...LOL! She also sent the cutest ATC and tag she also made! I will cherish these forever! Thanks Terri G! You are such a blessing...
Now, a couple of surprises last week! I won TWO blog giveaways! The most amazing bloggers that I love to visit. Stefanie from Rose Petals and Rust celebrated her birthday and I got a present! How cool is that? And when I emailed her my addy, we found out that we grew up in my town and she lives 25 minutes away....in Exeter, Where I go through everyday on my way to work. In fact Exeter is where I attend church, and some of my favorite stores are in Exeter, and we plan to move there when we sell our home here....What a small world... This is what I got from Stefanie....
This is a cute vintage white fluted milk glass (I think) dish or vase, with an old handkerchief, and four pink vintage Christmas bulbs...and the cutest pink and white cupcake tag!
Thanks Stefanie!
The other giveaway I won last week was from Lizzie at Vintage Lizzie's...Oh My Gosh! I so wanted to win this giveaway.....Absolutely a delighful box of heavenaly Pinkness! Look at this haul!
Let's start with a perfect pink journal, wish labels, pink blingy key chain, pink & sterling earrings, pink, white and green velvet rick rack,pink roses, forget me nots, a vintage china dish with pink flowers...
Pink roses, forget me nots, and five different shabby pink fabrics,
Three shabby pink fabic sachet bags, pink sea shells, white shimmery wings, a ceramic mermaid covered dish, and a flip flop key ring
Thanks so much Lizzie!
I hop you have all enjoyed my goodies! Talk to you all soon and God Bless You all! And, Have a wonderful and Blessed Thanksgiving! Becs
Wow! Beckie you sure made out in the Goodie Dept! Fabulous!... Oh I wish I hadn't missed out on your giveway! boo hoo...
I love your pink Pumpkins!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you feel better soon! YOu have enough goodies to make you forget how bad you feel! You got really great stuff!! ENJOY!
Hugs, Lisa
Hey Becky, You had a lucky week and I hope this energy helps you get better real soon, it's such a bummer to be sick with the holidays. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Terri
Wow! What goodies! (*clapping*) It must have been such fun pouring through it all. Good for you. Thank you for sharing. ; )
Oh my goodness, such treasures and so much of it!! You are truly one lucky girl!! Hope you are soon on the road to recovery.
Wow, Beckie, you hit the Mother Lode winning that giveaway! The shabby fabrics, the ric-rac, I don't know which of the items I love the most. What a fabu gift! Back to look at your blog some more :D
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