That's my momma, the one in the front in the light blue coat and the white hair. She is 83 and has Dementia/Alzheimers disease. We have been caring for her as most of you know for the last 5 years with this disease. This past year has been a tremendous struggle, If it wasn't for the wonderful ladies pictured with my mom (and a few others not pictured) we would not have been able to care for mom the past two years. These ladies work at PADS (Porterville Adult Day Services). They provide services during the day Mon-Fri. They were wonderful! But, we could no longer care for mom in our home. Her safety and happiness was being compromised. On Feb. 3, we took mom to her new home. It is a wonderful little facility in Shafter, Ca. It is a combination skilled nursing facility and Dementia unit. On the Dementia side (where mom lives) it is set up similar to a home. They eat family style at a dining table. They have a living room, a kitchen and an outside courtyard. They have activities, music, parties and have free reign in there little area. All the patients in there are at about the same level as mom and they are like a big family.
We have not been able to visit yet,a s they are bonding with her. However, the first day she was there and in the first ten minutes she met "Bud" and they have been fast friends since! They report she is happy, sleeping well and eating well. PRAISE GOD!!!! God has truly blessed us in this. We had no idea what to do, and God just opened doors for this to happen. We were at the end of our rope and felt helpless and hopeless. We look forward to visiting our mom in another week or so. I am glad He has provided a place for her to be safe and happy in her last days/years on earth.
Once, we got past the feelings of failure, guilt, grief and dispair, and realized that we were no longer equipped to care for her here at home, we are finally peaceful and thankful that God ALWAYS provides.
"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" 2 Corinthians 9:15
Becs ~ I know you must be feeling somewhat blue about having to take your mom to a "new home", but you have made a wonderful choice to ensure she is well cared for and happy! I know what it's like to think you have failed, but God will guide and comfort you while making sure your momma is well taken care of!
My thoughts and prayers are with you! Mimi
Hi Becs and Bev, I am thankful that God has provided a wonderful home for your mom and has given you peace about it. I will keep you all in my prayers.
I have expressed the following thoughts before on several blogs. However, I believe they are worth repeating. Dementia is a disease that knows no boundaries. It is blind to the categories in which we usually place our fellow human beings. It can occur at the age of 55 or 85. It can happen to Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, Christians, Muslims, males and females, rich and poor. It will not spare ex-presidents or ex-prime ministers. It did not spare my mother. Tears are shed by husbands and wives, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters—in fact anyone responsible for the care of a loved one with dementia.
Bob Tell, Author
Dementia Diary, A Caregiver's Journal
Becs, remember that you are doing what is best for her, not what is best for you. She will be very happy and comfortable in the hands of people who have the expertise.
Becs....I am so glad to hear that
your precious mom is settling into her new home. How wonderful and a blessing that she is making fast friends. She is blessed to have
a family that has loved and cared for her as you all have. It sounds like you have a great support system within your family..truly a beautiful site these days! What wonderful children your Mother raised to be such caring and loving people! You all are such a great tribute to your Mother!!
Take Care....
Thinking about you...
Hi Becs,
I have had an aunt and an uncle in that facility, and they were both taken care of wonderfully. I pray your experience with them will be the same.
Have a beautiful blessed day,
Theresa @ Cottage Violets
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